A big HELLO to all the new followers! I welcome you. I hope to soon get a chance to chat with you all. I'll be over to visit your blogs as soon as I unpack all this ''''''stuff'''''' from our camping trip.
To anyone new, just stopping by, go over to the right here and look at the list of followers. Click on their link and adventually you'll find yourself looking at their blogs! Please check them all out. I'm sure everyone would love to have stop and visit. And be sure to leave them a message. ME TOO! I love to read a comment. Lets me know I'm not sitting here talking to myself.
Also......We've finally been getting summer weather, now that fall is basically upon us and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can before the snow actually starts to fly. I'm afraid that'll be sooner than I wish. Altho I do enjoy the winter months......time spent indoors all warm and toasty. It's the time of year when I get to spend more time on the computer and more time to spend on miniatures. Selling mini creations on ebay. And reading a good book. Working on a cross stitch project or sitting in the recliner with a half finished quilt spread across my lap while I handquilt it and watch my husband channelsurf. (((((Good grief....does your partner do that too? Does it drive you crazy like it does me? But that is a whole 'nother subject I'll delve into another time.))))) All wonderful exciting winter projects to look forward to. But for the next few weeks I will try to cram as much summertime activities in that I can. Hopefully enough to last me thru the long winter months!
Hummmm let me see if I can find a picture for you to look at............OK here's one! My Skellie Ladies. Coming back from the dead.....got themselves all prettied up and they're sharing a cup of coffee, a slice of cake and some stories of how they got themselves where they are .........Hummmmmmm
These ladies are up on Ebay as we speak.

Check them out.......Seller ID Peechtree-minis
Don't forget to poke the picture so you can see it larger! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think they are talking about! I'll have someone blindly chose one and send a little mini gift to that person. Handcrafted mini of course by yours truly!